
Welcome to the 58th edition of magazine B.

Our readers, as well as journalists writing about our magazine, often ask us similar questions. They want to know, for example, why we are producing a paper magazine in the digital age, or how we generate revenue, or how we decide which brands to cover. Another common question - especially with the annual city issue having become a tradition of sorts for magazine B, starting with the Berlin issue two years back, followed by last year's Seoul issue - is why we choose cities as brands. To answer this last question, I have to say, we didn't start out with any fully developed premise de ning cities as brands. We began instead with our own question: Can cities be understood through the lens of branding? Incidentally, we've taken this approach with more than just cities. Whether we're writing about conventional businesses or new business models tailored to a new age or any sort of intangible service, people or trends, our starting point has always been the consideration that perhaps all of these things might constitute their own brands. Instead of rushing to de ne what we see, we've allowed ourselves to explore and question. And in this way, we've continued to break new ground for B.

This edition of magazine B introduces the city of Portland, Oregon. As always, we began by asking if it might be possible to see Portland as its own unique brand. Our attempts to answer this question have been faithfully documented in the following pages. No doubt our readers will arrive at their own answers, but, if only as a preview of what's to come, I will o er this: Portland is a city built on its people. Its vitality lies not in vast amounts of capital, or a grand history preserved in relics and remnants, or the energy conveyed by sophisticated architecture, but in people who believe that the will for good, coupled with deep conviction, can change the world. Moreover, if the people we talked to for this issue are any indication, Portlanders are also of the sort concerned more with asking questions than hurrying to produce the "right" answer. What does it look like to live fully human lives? Where do the objects we use every day come from? In what direction are we now headed? These are the sorts of questions they never stop exploring, and the thoughtfulness behind such deliberations is what makes the city a truly open place. This posture of openness, in turn, means acceptance and embrace, not only of oneself but also of one's neighbors, and importantly, the work such neighbors do. After all, it's not unusual for another person's choice of work to seem odd or even pointless but in Portland, it's the spirit behind your endeavors that counts. Portlanders are wholehearted and unsparing in their support for undertakings built on sound intentions. This is probably why small businesses and entrepreneurs crop up in the city on a near daily basis - a workshop that helps people build and complete their own projects, a record shop specializing in lesser-known music, a museum of bizarre odds and ends, and a brewery that's all about crafting experimental brews.

This idea is precisely what we heard people talk about most during our week in beautiful, scenic Portland: entrepreneurial spirit. It might sound somewhat lofty, but it came up completely naturally in our conversations with small shop owners and meticulous artisans alike. By paying attention to the values of people like these, we gained a better sense of what the Portlandian entrepreneurial spirit is all about. Businesses in the city care more about the motivation and process behind their work than the actual outcome, or classi cation by type or location. What they suggest is that the criterion for a city's livability or sustainability might be better re ected in how it operates and runs than in the sights or spectacles it has to show us. My hope is that the dynamic of mutual support and openness to growth we see in Portland will take root in the places we each call home.

Eunsung Park, Editor-in-Chief


02 Intro

09 Editor's Letter

12 Landmark
Portlanders, the landmarks of Portland

Part 1. Good Living
18 The healthy local business culture built by Portland's people pursuing a better life

36 Coffeeland
Portland's coffee roasteries seek identity and originality as independent roasteries

Part 2. Craftsmanship
46 The craftsmanship of Portland: a spirit of adding newness to traditional ways

Part 3. DIY
62 DIY culture emerges from the self-made and collaborative life of Portlanders

76 Portlanders
A day of three Portlanders and their stories

80 Made in PDX
Items made in Portland seen through the lenses of a camera

88 Creativeness
The brands fueling the creativity of Portland

98 Partnership
The local community: the source of growth for small businesses in Portland

Part 4. Alternative
102 Businesses born in search of otherness or alternative solutions

Part 5. Weirdness
122 People who create new values with their own unique energy

136 A Day of Music
Portland's music scene explored with guidance from a local record label expert

146 Outsiders' View
A media expert's observations and thoughts on Portland

148 Way of Living
Portland's everyday scenes experienced by three writers

154 Context
The political and social dynamics of Portland, Oregon, viewed through the media

156 figures
Portland by the numbers

161 Outro